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  • Writer's pictureSherwin Bodsworth

Hypnotherapy for Success in Business

To be more successful at work or in business, having the ability to express and control our emotions calmly and confidently is very important, especially when engaging with other people. Hypnotherapy can support such personal development.

Suppose we can express ourselves calmly, objectively and confidently, and at the same time understand and empathise with the emotions of others. In that case, we will be far more successful at communicating and creating a positive environment.

These qualities are necessary to have successful relationships. For example, when we are more aware of what other people are feeling or going through, we are more likely to connect with that person and communicate more effectively.

Understanding how the mind affects the body and learning to control anxiety and stress levels by taking short breaks and breathing techniques to bring the mind and body back to homeostasis are crucial in keeping stress and anxiety levels to a minimum. In addition, these simple measures can improve our health and create fewer days off work. Add to this confidence, discipline, incentive and motivation in the workplace, and you have a recipe for personal and professional success.

Many businesses realise how important this type of philosophy is in the workplace and the success of their business. Whether you work for or run a company, it is essential to have happy, motivated, incentified, disciplined staff who feel valued to stay ahead of the competition. Therefore it is imperative to promote personal development, have an open mind and embrace these maxims.

In the business world, technology is changing rapidly. As a result, successful businesses are thinking ‘outside the box with critical, innovative ideas, and a more psychological approach, allowing more flexibility in work time or even working from home if applicable. Although more people have been working from home during these unusual times than ever before, some are finding these changes easier than others.

Large organisations will occasionally invite a coach along to a seminar to present new ideas and strategies and raise people’s confidence, enthusiasm, and optimism by talking about much of what you have just read.

Unfortunately, after a short time, although the talk may have been thought-provoking, motivational, inspiring and uplifting, because of how the mind works, most people will return to their old behaviours and habits within a few days. The reason is, most of our perceptions, behaviour, beliefs and habits become instinctive and unconsciously deep-rooted in our minds.

The most effective way I know to make positive changes

in people, build confidence, or improve personal development is using hypnosis at the unconscious level. In this way, the new changes become natural, intuitive and permanent.

We are all a work in progress, and every one of us can improve and benefit from understanding our behaviour, strengths and imperfections.

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